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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Todays rant & rave is brought to you by Christmas, friends, family, & Faith. :-)
So, as always, here I am thinking again. Thinking about life, thinking about everything. Today is Christmas,  Jesus' birthday, celebration of families and friends, or some might only see this day as a consumer driven crazed festival.  I could see it in any of these, but I'd like to think mainly the first 2. I was born & raised Irish Catholic, so of course I remember the biblical version & celebrate it with my daughter. However, one of the best things about any holiday is seeing family & friends, especially the ones who make you smile. I cherish having enough free time to enjoy Faith and today was a great day for this, even the past week of preparing for it together between baking to shopping to church and most of all unraveling what Santa brought.
I am very thankful for my close friends, they come into my life at my worst times and remind me of how strong I can be if only I can remember a sense of humor, smile, a good laugh & especially a nice pair of cute (yet uncomfortable) heels! ;-)
I am glad I got the chance to spend time with close friends for this holidays, but it also made me think of what was missing or yet to come.  Will traditions stay? Will my close friends always be there? I certainly hope so!
Merry Christmas to all & to all a good night! <3

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