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Friday, December 2, 2011

My destiny ...?

<p>As I was playing dart league with the girls last night I saw a lady who defined everything I once joked I was destined to be.
You see, my luck is bad... ok maybe horrible or nonexistent is a better way to describe my luck when it comes to love or guys in general. I always joke that I am destined to be the cat lady: alone, very single, a million cats, and morbidly obese. Not too optimistic, I know.
Anyways, this lady was very much over weight, had a walker due to the fact she was so overweight she could hardle walk on her own, clearly very single, and yet not too friendly. (I was always told if you can't get blessed with looks, at least have a good personality- to which I try). Anywho, as I looked at the lady more I got to thinking. Is this really how I'm destined to be? Is that my fate?
Now my friends thought I was kidding as I.asked, but I honestly wondered if its possible? It scared me to think about it, but in reality I've always had weight issues, I'm not currently small either,  I've always had dating issues, haven't dated in years, so how does my curiosity seem so unrealistic?

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