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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The journey of the ages

Have you ever had one of those days when you reminisce all day? Ever think of what you would do if you went back to that time & place; would you change anything? How about a thought that may cross your mind, did your life turn out the way you planned or wanted it to? Are you in the profession you wanted to be?
For me, this is a daily routine. I always tend to imagine the days when life was much simpler, then again who doesn't? A life when you had no responsibility, no mortgage, no car payment, no job, no kids, no stress....well the only stress there could be then was if you were going to have a friend to play with that day or if you were going to have a pimple for yearbook pictures. Life was simple.
But now, looking back on my hopes, dreams, and wishes for my life before I hit 25... what have I done that I wanted to accomplish? What have I accomplished that I didn't plan? If I could go back at 15 and know how I turned out today, how would I feel? Would I be proud? Would I be disappointed?
Hmmm... I suppose it is something to think about...?

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