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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cause & Effect

How about the reason I decided to look into blogging? Who brought the idea into my head? Why? 
Well, to put it nicely, I may have took advantage of a dear friend who is currently deployed. If things were going on at home that I couldn't talk to anyone about, I would include that in my email. For example, if something bothered me that someone at home could take wrong or even possibly not listen to, I would send Tyler a long message ranting & raving, with about 3 sentences actually answering questions or asking his about his well being. Putting this down, it now actually sounds horrible, but I promise it could have been entertaining for him....chances are small. lol
I told him that when he gets home maybe I would think of getting a journal to continue since it would be harder for me to rant & rave. Then, with our wise technological minds today, I thought why should I get a journal & hide it in fear that someone would see that I had written something about them that could be potentially wrong, when I could start a blog on the World Wide Internet where anyone could easily access this! Maybe the logical part in this was that chances are less that someone will read my online blog, rather than my journal hidden under my mattress....? Doesn't make much sense, but then again it could make a whole lot of sense to someone! 
Anyways, my main point is thank you Tyler for helping me get the idea of ranting & raving via blog so it is easier for you to "tune me out." :-)

Short and sweet answers

So, it is decided that I will do it all with blogging. Why not rant & rave about the day I had? I have no idea if anyone will even read it, but I know I will feel better about this. Why not share something I found to be funny or enjoyable? There could be a small chance someone else could see that post & enjoy it too! You simply never know when something as little as a smile or a laugh could make someones day or even save their life!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The origin of my blogging

What is in a blog? Who blogs? What do I include? These are all questions I have yet to learn, but I feel it is time for me to step into the 21st century and try something new!
In our new tech-savvy world, when we question something, the first thing we turn to is Google. So I did. The results I came up with were not the clearest, but pretty much as I had thought, the most interesting part of it was:
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. (Thanks to Wikipedia)
So here is the question I have at hand, do I turn this into sharing what I find is interesting on YouTube, a special picture I see, or even perhaps a digital diary that may not be as personal as the one I had as a preteen? 
The questions will always answer themselves eventually, maybe a night of sleep would help as well. I guess we will find out soon enough! 
Good night! :-)